Making Your Sacred Space and Altar


I almost immediately set up my sacred place and altar once I had my awakening. I followed my intuition with the guidance that they were giving me to gather and create what is now my "altar" even though my spirit instructors, even when they were foreign to me, were right there guiding me.
I avoided discussing my altar with anyone for a very long time. How hilarious that sounds to me now, I didn't want people to think I was doing something "wacky." Naturally, I'm a witch! I play trance music!


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My point is that building your altar could make thoughts about your spirituality and perhaps how other people would feel about it surface that you were not aware of. Recognize that it is among the most revered actions you may take.

It serves as a meeting space for you, your higher self, your loved ones who have passed on, god or goddess, and any other spirits you might choose to communicate with. In other words, you should be happy that you are taking your spiritual connection seriously. This revered action establishes your spirituality in your own self, your house, and your mind.

What Traditions Use Altars?

An altar is used in ceremonies and rituals by a wide range of belief systems. In the end, I came across a shared method for connecting with spirit in this area. An altar is used in almost all religious and spiritual traditions. Especially the ones that are shamanic and pagan.

What is an Altar Used For?

This area can be utilized for rituals, meditation, expressions of appreciation, and guiding requests. Because feeling plays a significant role in everything, what you FEEL is what is best for you.

On an altar are several commonplace items. Some of them appeared to be very particular. However, if this is your first time doing this, I'm convinced that using your imagination and simply placing each item on your altar with intention is the best course of action. You might want to research the significance or use of specific things before setting them down.

Preparing and Clearing

Each person will approach clearing their area and building their altar in a creative and individual way. With that in mind, I'd like to discuss some of the components of an altar that are frequently employed.

First, you want your space to be clear and clean. So even if it’s your own bedroom, clean it up. This changes the energy dramatically. A simple room or home clearing technique I like to use is visualizing golden energy entering my crown. I let it move through my body first as I am the vessel to this creation. Then I watch it ooze out from my field and begin to fill the room. You can stop here or let it fill the whole house. Then visualize it becoming hot and burning away anything in the environment that will not hold a higher resonance.

Your Altar and the Elements

Put down a piece of cloth that speaks to you. This is carried out in order to safeguard the sacred space's perimeter. It could be a garment you enjoy wearing or one you bought especially for the occasion. It needn't be fancy, but it must only be utilized for this function.

You'll put your possessions on top of your clothing. A decent place to begin is with the fundamentals. Most likely, your altar will have the elements of air, earth, fire, and water. The four elements will be represented by these items, but they can also include a picture of a deity you like to work with, such as Buddha, Jesus, Mother Mary, Archangel Michael, etc. Bringing all of the elements into your sacred space very much invites your true spirit, as well as any of your inner spirit teachers, to "meet you at the altar."


It could be difficult to pinpoint the element air. This one might be more difficult to photograph because the air is all around us yet can only be seen through its actions. It is possible to accomplish this with incense, sage, windchimes, or even a picture of an object associated with air. If you are acting out of a great desire, there is no right or wrong method to go about doing this. Allow yourself to receive ideas.


Earth's physical forms come in a variety of shapes, and it's interesting to collect and employ these things in your environment. There are numerous other types of very broad collections, including crystals, plants, earth, and wood. Every single one you select has a unique energy of its own.

Each of them also has deeper applications and implications. When you examine your inner self, you can also find that particular items are more likely to strengthen the bond between you and your spirits. Crystals play a significant role in my altar. holding the space while also using it to construct


Chalices or cups are frequently used to symbolize water. This particular item may be required for some rituals. You can also use a shell or any other thing that makes you think of or feel like water if that doesn't feel right for you right now. It is customary to have blessed water on your altar. On my shrine, I prefer to keep a cup or basin with real water. I switch the water once a week, perhaps more if I'm focusing on a particular ritual.


If you assumed that candles represented the element of fire, I wouldn't be shocked. Candles are frequently utilized in this manner. In addition to the flame, your candle's background color also means a lot. White is a great neutral color to use when you aren't doing a specific task.

Regarding the wax, it will produce more pleasant energy the closer it is to the earth's core. The best candles are made of beeswax. Making your own candles will enable you to focus more energy on the overall sacred space's aim. The way I prefer to think of it, the more effort you put into anything, the more you will also get back from it.

As your spirit changes and grows, so may your altar. Your intentions may become more clear from day to day, and there is no right or wrong way to express that. You may also find it suiting, to create more than one altar possibly dedicated to a particular spirit guide, or maybe you just want a separate sacred space in a different room. I encourage you to allow your spirits to guide you, whatever the case may be.

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