How to Create a Wiccan Book of Shadows: (Complete Step-by-Step Guide)


When it comes to Wicca, there is a lot of information to keep track of, including spells, holidays, deities, and correspondences. How is a witch meant to remember everything? Of course, with a Wiccan Book of Shadows!

One of the most valuable and precious tools a witch has at her disposal is this individualized tome. And if you haven't started one already, it's about time.


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This guide is a complete, step-by-step resource to help you construct and use your own.

You'll be able to create a true Wiccan Book of Shadows by the time you're done, from comprehending it to organizing it to blessing and protecting it!

And once your Book of Shadows is finished, there's little doubt that your spiritual practice will advance. This ongoing guide will help you track your development, sharpen your focus, and—most importantly—increase the effectiveness of your magical spells and other witchy endeavors.

Are you prepared to discover how to create the best Wiccan Book of Shadows using these seven steps?

Step 1: Understand the Importance of a Wiccan Book of Shadows

A witch's personal repository for all of her continually expanding knowledge of Wicca and witchcraft is known as a Book of Shadows, or BOS for short.

Whatever format you choose (and we'll go over that in more detail in a later phase), this is the document where you put everything you want to remember and know. This comprises information you've learned from books and teachers as well as first-hand knowledge you've acquired from actual work-related experience.

The Most Important Thing to Understand

Even if it's simple to comprehend what a Wiccan Book of Shadows is, that isn't the focus of this first action. You must be aware of its significance.

Creating and maintaining your BOS can feel like a lot of labor, I'll be honest.

And you'll need to constantly remind yourself of why this labor of love is worthwhile when you find yourself wondering, "What's the point?"

The most important weapon a witch has in her toolbox is a well-kept Book of Shadows, and there are two main reasons for this.

Reason #1: It’s the best reference tool you’ll ever own.

We'll look at what precise items need to go into your Wiccan Book of Shadows in step two. It encompasses everything you learn about Wicca, but I'll give you a tiny preview today.

Your BOS is a personal reference guide that contains everything the information you could possibly need about Wicca, from the best herbs for divination to the Goddess you should pray to when things are tough.

With it, you don't need to strain your memory to find a certain spell line from a book whose name you can't remember—already it's in your Book of Shadows.

With it, you can simply find all of the necessary correspondences for a ritual in your Book of Shadows rather than having to switch back and forth between several texts.

Despite the fact that we're discussing witchcraft, this book has incredibly useful applications. It improves the efficiency and organization of your witchcraft! It is unlike any other easy and quick reference guide.

Reason #2: It’s a history book of your personal spiritual journey.

No two Books of Shadows are exactly same, just as no two witches are alike.

Your individual journey down this holy path is chronicled in your very own Wiccan Book of Shadows. Once it's operational, you'll be able to connect the witch you are today with the witch you once were.

You will see your spiritual growth in written form in front of you. Your past failures will be transformed into future victories.

Your BOS is very much an autobiography that can provide important personal and spiritual insights, even though it may be utilized simply as a reference tool.

Making a Book of Shadows isn’t a burden—it’s a journey of self-discovery!

Step 2: Learn What to Include in Your Wiccan Book of Shadows

There are some general ideas that most of them share in common, even though the precise content of your own Book of Shadows will be unique.

Finding out which chapters of the Wiccan Book of Shadows you require is the next step in building your own.

Dedication Page

There will almost always be a dedication at the beginning of a Book of Shadows. Every witch will have their own unique preferences, but a dedication of any form strengthens the message of the book.

It gives it a purpose and a meaning.

This dedication may serve as the Wiccan Rede—the religion's most fundamental ethical principle—for some of you. It's a wise decision because it will serve as a reminder of your duty to other people and other living things.

The Wiccan Book of Shadows may be all about you, but in the end, the decisions you make as a result of it will affect other people. The Rede tells us that we desire a favorable outcome from that influence.

Some of you might want to utilize your devotion to pray to a certain God or Goddess. This strategy highlights how studying Wicca draws us closer to the universal holy spirit.

If you already have a god in mind, by all means include them in your prayer; otherwise, it would be wise to dedicate yourself to the Lord and Lady of Wicca. They are the divine parents and teachers who have taught us everything we know about spirituality.

An illustration of a dedication to them might be as follows:

The magnificent Horned God and the devoted Triple Goddess, the Lord and Lady of Wicca, are honored and inspired by this Book of Shadows. My spiritual path is clear and my abilities develop thanks to their knowledge and direction. Salutations to those who grant me wisdom.
It's also acceptable for you to compose a totally exclusive, one-of-a-kind dedication for your Book of Shadows.

Speak truthfully, but make sure to incorporate these two essential components:

  • A specific declaration of intent ("I dedicate this Book of Shadows...", etc.)
  • A justification of its significance to you (increased knowledge, a deeper understanding of the universe, etc.)


Spells are essential to magick; therefore, you must include both your own creations and your favorite spells from books you've read in your BOS.

A spell should have all the components one would anticipate:

  • The actions taken
  • listings of items
  • Ideal times and dates for performances
  • who first created the magic
  • etc.
However, I also urge you to incorporate a spell history in addition to everything else. This will make it easier for you to remember what you did and the outcomes you got.

Make a note of when you carried them out, whether or not you saw results right away, and how strong they were. If you wish to advance in your witchcraft, you must know this information. It enables you to make adjustments to what isn't working for you and lean on what is.


The magical and spiritual associations that particular things or ideas have are known as correspondences.

Mint, for instance, is associated with good fortune, and gold, with wealth.

You must keep track of your correspondence choices because doing so is essential to crafting effective spells.

I also advise keeping track of the correspondences you utilize and how they have affected your magick, just like you would with spells. These tips can assist you avoid wasting time on items that don't fit your personal style because what works for one lady doesn't necessarily work for another.

Many of the correspondences you record in your Wiccan Book of Shadows when you first start out will undoubtedly come from outside sources. But as you go along, you'll discover that you get better at solving problems on your own.

You should certainly keep note of these correspondences because they are frequently far more potent than those you receive from others.


There are eight significant holidays celebrated by Wiccans each year.

Some of these holidays don't always happen on the same day because of how the earth and sun are positioned. So that you don't unintentionally miss out on all the fun, keep track of the yearly dates in your BOS.

You should also record the customs and preparations you observe for each of these holidays.

Traditions have a lot of power. Your life will start to have a natural, comfortable rhythm if you are able to repeat the same rituals and habits year after year.


Although they play a significant role in Wicca, not all witches worship the same gods and goddesses. Deities, like people, have distinctive personalities and characteristics that make them particularly suited to particular situations.

You should include a section in your Wiccan Book of Shadows where you list these characteristics as well as significant mythology related to each deity you come across.

You'll probably discover that you enjoy working with some people more than others, but for the benefit of your spiritual development, it's always wise to keep a complete running list.

Remember to keep a record of your interactions with these deities, just like you would with spells and correspondences. Your Wiccan Book of Shadows should also include information about the invocations you've tried and any messages you've received from deities.

Other Items to Include

Although we've gone over the key components of a strong BOS, there is still more that you can do to tailor your own.

While not necessarily necessary for all witches, the following items may be useful to you based on your spiritual interests:

  • Records of dreams
  • Prayers
  • A running list of books you’ve read about Wicca and witchcraft
  • Goals for your spiritual practice
  • Descriptions of different types of magick (white, grey, green, etc.)
  • Spiritual role models and why you admire them
  • Descriptions of different psychic abilities (ESP, astral projection, etc.)
  • Important symbols

Step 3: Leave These Things Out of Your Wiccan Book of Shadows

A Book of Shadows can contain a lot of information, yet some topics are best left outside of its pages.

Some of them stand out like a sore thumb. Others, though, not so much.

Hexes, Curses, and Other Black Magick Spells

Contrary to what some people may try to convince you, black magick—magic used to cause harm to others—is a genuine and potent force.

But as Wiccans, we ought to hold ourselves to a higher standard and refrain from being involved in such things.

Words have power, and filling your Book of Shadows with ceremonies, incantations, and objects that are intended to increase suffering in the world is not only wrong, but it also attracts that same kind of ominous energy into your own life.

We have something called the Threefold Law in Wicca.

This law essentially suggests that we shall receive back three times as much energy as we put into the planet. Therefore, if you are using humane, compassionate magick, you will feel that positive energy returning to you.

But if you write down or make hexes, curses, and the like, you make yourself a target for pain and sorrow. Yes, it's bad news even to write them down.

Avoid using black magic and take the high road. In anything as hallowed as your Book of Shadows, it has no place.

Thoughts, Feelings, Daydreams, Doodles

It is accurate to say that your Wiccan Book of Shadows is an incredibly intimate mirror of you. It's not a journal, though.

Don't let your urge to personalize the book to the point where it loses sight of its true intent.

It has its place to jot down stray ideas, aspirations, and anything else that clutters your mind, but not in a BOS. When you lose sight of that real goal, you reduce its spiritual strength.

Step 4: Assemble the Physical Materials for Your Wiccan Book of Shadows

It's now time to create the actual book!

There are essentially no limitations to the types of materials you can utilize. However, sometimes having so much freedom can be daunting. Here are my suggestions, but don't be scared to change things up if you come up with something that works better for you.

Fortunately, starting your Book of Shadows doesn't have to be expensive or require any difficult-to-find materials.

You can start with simply two (perhaps three) commonplace items!

Three-Ring Binder

Your BOS is intended to be a dynamic, ever-expanding record. This is why I advise utilizing a three-ring binder as your foundation.

Your knowledge of Wicca doesn't necessarily advance in a logical, consecutive manner. You might read up on plant magick spells one day and practice tarot card reading the following day.

You can insert and move pages into a three-ring binder to the locations where they make the most sense.

That cannot be accomplished using a more conventional notepad.

Think about it—if your correspondences are dispersed throughout your notebook's pages and sections, it can take a long time to locate the one you need. Your letters can all be kept in one place with a binder.

Another Reason to Use a Binder

Unluckily, not every Wiccan can be open and honest about their beliefs.

We frequently have to conceal this extremely significant component of our lives, whether it's due to familial pressure or just basic society expectations.

Even while this circumstance may not be ideal, it is the way things are, therefore we must take safeguards as needed. A three-ring binder can be a useful deterrent to keep the inquisitive eyes of those who don't believe we should be practicing witchcraft at bay because it is quite plain and unobtrusive.

It can assist to keep your private matters confidential because most people don't instantly think "Book of Shadows" when they see a binder.

A BOS is also intended solely for your seeing. All that important is that you are aware of the strength of the contents!

What matters most is what's inside.


Your three-ring binder may be just as troublesome without dividers as a typical notebook.

Your Wiccan Book of Shadows should have well defined parts to save you from scrolling over pages in vain.

I choose separators with removable label inserts because they are more flexible. I've stated it before, but the BOS is constantly evolving.

And no, I'm not getting paid to advertise that specific product. I simply have a strong desire for a well-organized Book of Shadows!

Page Protectors

Although they aren't as necessary as the goods mentioned above, plastic page protectors can help you feel at ease knowing that your important data is being kept as safe and secure as possible.

Any witch who has dealt with leaking candle wax or a curious cat's paws will tell you that these protectors are essential for maintaining your pages' cleanliness and legibility.

You won't use it 99% of the time, but you'll be pleased you have it for the accidents that do happen 1% of the time!

Step 5: Organize Your Wiccan Book of Shadows

Most of your Book of Shadows' organization will depend on your personal preferences. What makes sense to one witch may not make sense to another since every witch places a different emphasis on her spiritual practice.

There are, however, some overarching organizing concepts that we'll go through below.

The Dedication Page

The second phase of this guide covered writing a dedication message for your BOS. This page should obviously come before the others, regardless of how the rest of your book is organized.

If you'd like, you may also include a title and a date on this page (or the one before it).

It doesn't have to be elaborate. The title should read something like "Glenda's Book of Shadows, Begun October 31st, 2018".

Table of Contents

A table of contents isn't really necessary because I advised utilizing dividers to denote the various sections of your Book of Shadows; you can readily see where you need to flip to.

The table of contents should follow after the dedication and title page, though, if you want to give your book a more full, "official" appearance.

General Organizing Principles

My own preference is to put the portions of my Book of Shadows that I refer to the most frequently near the front. That way, I always have access to the most crucial information I require.

For me, that implies that deities and correspondences come first.

These two sections are incredibly helpful if you're a speller like I am.

Since correspondences and deities are the two foundational elements that lead to spells, I feel that placing the actual spells section after them follows a logic of cause and effect.

But it's not always best to do things my way.

It can be a good idea to start with a glossary of important phrases and symbols if you are a complete beginner. When you first start out, these can be difficult to remember, so it makes sense to have them close at hand.

A chronological Book of Shadows can be the best option for people who desire to trace their spiritual development.

Finding crucial information later on may become a little more difficult as a result of this, but being able to trace your development as a craftsperson is powerful in and of itself.

Really, there are a lot of ways you can arrange your Book of Shadows.

The most crucial advise I can give you in this regard is to pick a system that fits your needs and your objectives for practicing Wicca.

Additionally, if you ever decide to change your mind, restructuring is a breeze when using the three-ring binder method!

Step 6: Blessing Your Wiccan Book of Shadows

Your Book of Shadows is no different from any other tool you use for witchcraft in that it has to be blessed.

It is instilled with uplifting spiritual energy throughout the blessing process, and any unintentionally acquired negative energy is removed.

I'm going to walk you through a blessing ceremony in this stage to make sure your Wiccan Book of Shadows is properly blessed and prepared for usage.

When to Bless Your Book of Shadows

  • When should you do the ritual of blessing? That is the first thing to think about.
  • Do you bless each component separately?
  • When everything is put together, do you bless it?

About halfway through the assembly, I advise blessing it.

Before the blessing, arrange your binder's dividers in the way you wish, but don't start adding pages yet.

That also applies to the dedication page, which you will actually create during the process. However, you should surely make a plan and choose your level of dedication in advance.

Wiccan Book of Shadows Blessing Ritual

You'll need the following supplies in order to complete this ritual:

Your incompletely put together Book of Shadows
  • white candle, one
  • 1 black candle (note: if a black candle is not available, use another color candle with a black ribbon tied around it).
  • lighter or matches
  • 2 gold or yellow ribbons (these should be long enough to tie around your Book of Shadows)
  • a pen or pencil, paper, and (to create your dedication page)
Clear a space before beginning the ceremony, then offer the following invocation to the God and Goddess:

I request the presence of the Lord and Lady of Wicca in this area. Please guard the witchcraft I'm going to perform and attest to the holy book's blessing. You two are both welcome here on the real world.


Place the white candle on the right and the black candle to the left after that. You should place your book of shadows underneath them. Light each carefully, starting with the black candle.

Repeat after me:

In this benediction, banishment and consecration come together as one.


Pick up the black candle very carefully and place it precisely above your Book of Shadows while uttering the following:

I defend this work against any malice and prejudice. Its vigor is completely gone.

Carefully take up the white candle and set the black candle back in its place.

Repeat this while holding the second candle atop the book:

I dedicate this work in the heavenly light of virtue. The universe's blessings are all around it.

Put the white candle back where it belongs.

Create your dedication page right away.

At the front of your Book of Shadows, write the dedication you had already planned.

Close the book after completing this step, then stack your hands in the middle of it with your right hand on top of your left.

Say: as you do this.

I ask the Horned God and the Triple Goddess to enshrine the blessing I have placed over my Book of Shadows. May reading its pages deepen my understanding of its influence. Thus shall it be.

Next, take your yellow ribbons and tie one horizontally and one vertically over the cover. When you're finished, it ought to resemble an unwrapped gift.

Holding the book over your head, rise up (if you are not already standing).

Repeat after me in a firm, clear voice:

The book has been blessed and dedicated. May the force of the God and Goddess, which lies inside, be my greatest teacher and successfully direct me along the spiritual road I have chosen. Thus shall it be.

Your Book of Shadows should be put back where it was.

It's time to end the ceremony. You'll need to say the God and Goddess farewell in order to accomplish this.

To do this, say

Greetings, Great Lord and Lady, and thank you for being here. Even if we might leave this special place, I am certain that we are never completely apart. All distances are covered by Your blessings and protection. Bless you.

That's all, then! Your BOS is now complete and prepared for usage.

But before everything is said and done, we still have one more step!

Step 7: Protect Your Wiccan Book of Shadows

It's obviously very clear by this point that your Book of Shadows is a really crucial tool.

It might even be the most crucial instrument you have at your disposal. Therefore, you must ensure that you treat it with the respect and affection it merits.

It's not necessary to spend a lot of time caring for your Book of Shadows, but there are a few considerations to make as you travel.

Keep Your Book of Shadows Private

This book is exclusively for your eyes. What is in your BOS should be kept private, even from other witches.

This guideline does not indicate that you can't teach others what you've learned; in fact, teachers are crucial to improving at anything, including Wicca. Your Book of Shadows, however, is more than just a reference guide.

It serves as a direct extension of you.

It comes the closest to putting your soul on paper that you can get. It doesn't imply you're being frugal or secretive about what you learned if you keep it for your personal use solely.

You're just keeping a part of your life hidden, which is something that both witches and non-witches do occasionally.

Keep Your Book of Shadows Well Maintained

Don't neglect the maintenance of your book. Accidental harm occurs, so you should always be careful how you handle the Book of Shadows.

It is not possible to treat it with the respect it merits by leaving it outside in the weather, handling food or drink next to it, or taking other irresponsible acts.

Although it may only be a binder and a few pages on the outside, you should treat it with the utmost care.

But nothing made of material exists forever. Even a Wiccan Book of Shadows that is kept in good condition will ultimately fall victim to use-related natural wear and tear.

Don't toss your originals in the trash when it comes time to update your binder or the pages inside. If at all possible, keep them somewhere secure where their spiritual energy can still have an impact on you rather than throwing them away.

You'll also need to repeat the blessing ceremony for your new materials when it's time for a complete remodel.

Or, if you'd prefer, you may create your own rededication process to mark the change from old to new.

Go Out and Make Your Wiccan Book of Shadows the Best It Can Be!

You've finished reading everything you need to know to create your own Book of Shadows.

And I have no doubt that you are prepared to begin.

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